Τετάρτη, Σεπτεμβρίου 19, 2012



Oh when you had the time to give
Oh when I had a life to live
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow

But my mind was slow

Oh when you had the time to give

Oh when I had a life to live
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow

Oh when you want, you want from me,

Oh when you want, you want from me,
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow
Yeah, yeah

Oh when you had the time to give

Oh when I had a life to live
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow

Oh when you want, you want from me,

Oh when you want, you want from me,
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow

(But my mind was slow)

(But my mind was slow)
(But my mind was slow)

Oh when you had the time to give

Oh when I had a life to live
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow

Oh when you want, you want from me,

Oh when you want, you want from me,
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow
Yeah, yeah

Oh when you had the time to give

Oh when I had a life to live
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow

Oh when you want, you want from me,

Oh when you want, you want from me,
But my mind was slow
But my mind was slow

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