Σάββατο, Απριλίου 28, 2012


One day you're gonna ride ahead of yours
that day you're gonna rise above of the occasion
hurt - you know it comes like this, it goes like this
hurt - you know it goes like this it comes like this
i guess the pills don't work and the drinks don't work
in the morning it hurts like cigarette burns
the summer's daft and winter's long.

One day you're gonna find a way to
that they you're ride ahead of your vocation
hurt - you know it comes like this, it goes like this
hurt - you know it goes like this it comes like this
i guess the pills don't work and the drinks don't work
in the morning it hurts like cigarette burns
the summer's daft and winter's long.

Δεν υπάρχουν σχόλια:

Paul Henry R.H.A. (1876-1958) - An Irish artist noted for depicting the West of Ireland landscape/Ένας Ιρλανδός καλλιτέχνης που διακρίθηκε για την απεικόνιση του τοπίου της Δυτικής Ιρλανδίας

«Ο Paul Henry:  Ιρλανδός καλλιτέχνης που διακρίθηκε για την απεικόνιση του τοπίου της Δυτικής Ιρλανδίας σε ένα λιτό μετα-ιμπρεσιονιστικό σ...